Confirmation of new Class Q and R changes

lumiere sites barn

Two days ago, the government rolled out updates to the legislation governing Class Q and Class R, bringing some significant changes for property owners and developers.

Class Q underwent a thorough refresh on April 30th, 2024, with these revisions to come into effect starting May 21st, 2024. It’s important to note that any applications submitted on or after this date will fall under the purview of these new regulations.

So, what’s different? Well, the most noticeable change lies in the expansion of possibilities. Previously limited to five new dwellings, Class Q now allows for up to ten, doubling the potential for development. Moreover, the allowable space for conversion has been bumped up to a generous 1,000 m². The maximum size for each dwelling is now capped at 150 m². However in order to maximize the ten-dwelling allowance, each individual unit would need to be 100 m² to not exceed the 1,000m2 cap.

But wait, there’s more! Property owners can now stretch their ambitions even further by extending the rear of their barn or agricultural building by up to 4m, provided that the surface was in place on or before July 24th, 2023. This flexibility opens up new avenues for spatial optimization and design.

Perhaps the most game-changing aspect of these updates is the broadening of eligibility criteria for Class Q. Previously, only certain agricultural structures qualified, but now, even barns that have transitioned away from their original agricultural functions can potentially fall under this classification. However, it’s worth noting that equestrian barns remain unchanged unless they’re integrated into an agricultural unit.

In essence, these revisions represent a significant boon for property owners and developers alike, unlocking fresh opportunities for conversion and expansion within the realm of Class Q and Class R.

If you would like assistance in engagement with landowners that fall within these PD rights, Lumiere Sites would love to assist. Just contact us on or call 01892 800985