Real Estate Tokenization

Another reason we will see new highs in global real estate values

A recent article on that discussed real estate tokenization caught my eye. I am a believer in the 18.6 year real estate cycle and have followed Philip J Anderson’s work for the past 20 years.

Whilst reading this article I couldn’t help but think that this is a prime example of an unforeseen change that will contribute to new highs in the global real estate market, the likes of which we have never seen before.

As this technological application matures and gathers pace it seems clear that by giving the ability for many more people to access the industry in an investment capacity, this will increase demand far beyond supply levels, increasing land values accordingly.

We at Lumière Sites will be tracking the application of this technology within the real estate sector but regardless of the speed at which tokenization impacts the industry, we are still expecting to see new highs in values in 3-5 years time.

Chris Rowland-Smith