What is SiteFinder™ Technology?


A Proprietary Suite of Algorithms: Lumière Sites Ltd has developed a proprietary suite of algorithms as part of the SiteFinder™ technology. These algorithms are designed to be highly detailed and have the capability to identify viable land opportunities across the entire UK. 

Proven Value since 2015: The SiteFinder™ technology has a track record of providing value since its inception in 2015. It has been successful in automatically identifying and creating specific land prospecting marketing campaigns. This technology has been effective in supporting the land team’s efforts and generated 178 successful land deals since September 2015.  

Python Programming Language: The SiteFinder ™ technology is implemented using the Python programming language. Python is widely used for data science, machine learning, and geospatial applications due to its readability, versatility, and extensive library support. 

AWS (Amazon Web Services) Infrastructure: The technology is deployed and run on the AWS (Amazon Web Services) infrastructure. A cloud-based approach, offering scalability, flexibility, and reliability for hosting and running the ‘SiteFinder™’ application. 

In summary, SiteFinder™ is a comprehensive technology solution developed by Lumière Sites Ltd, integrating proprietary algorithms, machine learning, geospatial tools, and implemented in Python, with deployment on AWS infrastructure. 

Feel free to contact us to discuss how this technology coupled with our 20 years of expertise in land acquisition could help assist your business.