Do you want Infill Sites?

You're at the right place

Ready to Get Started?

Lumière Sites are experts in land prospecting. With over 20 years in the business and having been involved in hundreds of acquisitions, planning gains and developments of small sites. 

You and your business can now directly benefit from our ability and expertise.


Our service designed specifically for infill sites


Engage with more landowners with no effort

Using our service will increase your flow of opportunities consistently and without you having to do anything apart from answer the phone! 


All opportunities in your chosen area are exclusively yours

We work exclusively on your behalf in your chosen territory. Every opportunity you receive is sent exclusively to you and you only.


Engage with landowners faster and cheaper than doing it yourself

The total cost to you in identifying sites, gathering ownership data, preparing data for marketing (print or email), print and postage will be at least £5 per site. targeting 150 sites per month would cost you £750.00 plus your time. 


Benefit from our 11 years expertise and technology

We have been prospecting for land opportunities in this way since 2013 and we have been developing software to automate and scale our capabilities since 2015. We have a huge amount. of experience in all aspects of site finding.

What our clients are saying

I am really impressed with the
performance, diligence and quality
of service from the team at Lumière Sites. Their service has accelerated the growth of my strategic land business, and they continue to bring me excellent quality sites.

Nick Levett, Elements Real Estate

Within the first month I tied up a great site generated by Lumière Sites.

Partnering with Lumière sites has given me the
real potential of massively increasing my annual deal flow without having to employ anyone else or increase my marketing.

Gavin Andrews, Land agent

We engaged with Lumière Sites to help us fulfil our clients demand. Within the first month the sites started to roll in. We need a consistent flow of sites and this service gives us that.


The exclusivity on sites was what did it for me. No messing around,
we had full control from the start

We ended up with five leads in the first 2 weeks and a consistent flow of sites month on month. It meant we could get on with what we are best at – building houses.

Stranks Developments

I bought into Lumière Sites’ unique concept after my first meeting with Chris. I was a little apprehensive at first but as soon as opportunities started coming in I realised how good this service is. I now don’t know how I would operate without them.

Oli Walsh – Revilo Properties